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All upper-body wear and plaids must be ordered by visiting the Land’s End website and finding Dominion Academy of Dayton’s school’s dress code.

Lower body wear may be purchased from any clothing store as long as the below guidelines are met.


  • All current uniform shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, sweaters, etc. that are owned and used by families currently may continue to be used until they become unserviceable (holes, tears, stains).
  • All future uniform clothing will be purchased from the Dominion Academy Land’s End uniform collection.
  • The new DA uniform logo (shown at right in white shirt version) will invert colors black/white when applied to a black shirt.
  • All outer wear worn in school — sweaters, jackets, etc. must have the DA logo. 
  • All families will order and have uniforms shipped directly to them from Land’s End.
  • All pre-selected Land’s End uniform items for boys, girls, men and women will be acceptable as long as the following guidelines are observed:
  • No tees long sleeve or short; no sweats; no skorts-only knee length skirts or jumpers, no athletic shorts; ALL upper body wear must be DA colors-red, black, or white. All shirts, tops, jackets and sweaters must have the DA logo.
  • Shorts, capris, slacks, skirts, jumpers may be khaki, black or charcoal, gray or pewter, white or off white, or Land’s End plaid.
  • Students may wear neckties if they are wearing an appropriate button down shirt or blouse. However, only ties matching the Land’s End Uniform collection will be permitted.