Dominion Academy offers an interscholastic cheer program for junior high and high school students. Our program is open to all 6th thru 12th grade students as well as home schoolers, that wish to participate in athletics in a Christ-centered environment. We cheer at home and away games for our Dominion Academy Varsity Basketball teams.
The Cheer Team has grown in numbers over the past few years. Each year the team has improved over the previous year. We now have choreographed half-time routines that include dancing, tumbling, cheering and flying. If you love to get the crowd riled up at basketball games, then the DA Sabers cheer team is the team for YOU!!
The Season
Formal practices begin the first of October. This time is used to learn new cheers, build teamwork, increase endurance and learn to rile up the crowds. Our game schedule begins in early December when we cheer at Varsity Basketball games. We wrap up the season in March at our Annual Winter Sports Banquet.
Off Season Training and Conditioning
Dominion Academy offers weekly training and conditioning during the off season. Although we are still working out the details, will begin offering a summer cheer camp in the summer of 2022. This camp will be a weeklong camp with evening hours Monday thru Friday and a full day on Saturday! Stay tuned for more information concerning this camp!! This program is NOT mandatory in order to participate on the Cheer Team with Dominion Academy and does NOT affect your position or eligibility to be on the team.
For more information on the Dominion Academy Cheer Team Program, contact the Athletic Department.